Each day, there is a new word 5 letter word to guess, and you get 6 tries to guess it. Let's say this word is YOUTH.
To guess, type a 5 letter word and hit the enter button to submit. Let's say you guess the word CRUSH:
After submitting, each letter tile will reveal a color.
- Yellow means that the letter you selected in that spot comes before the correct letter in that spot.
- Blue means that the letter you selected comes after the correct letter.
- Green indicates that you have selected the correct letter for that spot.
In this example, the first guessed letter, C, is yellow because C comes before Y in the alphabet. The second guessed letter, R, is
blue because R comes after O. The third letter, U, is green, because it is the correct letter.
After your first guess, the alphabetic keyboard will help you visualize the order of the alphabet, and what
you have already ruled out with your previous guesses.
Made by Caleb Barton